محاضرة في عيادات طب الاسنان

عيادات طب الاسنان

حفلات التخرج

حفلات التخرج

المحاضرات الدراسية

عمداء الكليات ورؤساء الاقسام مع السيد رئيس الجامعة

المحاضرات الدراسية

عيادات طب الاسنان

قسم الهندسة المعمارية

ابحث في الموقع

القبول والتسجيل في الجامعة

التقويم الجامعي 2022-2023

مجلة الجامعة

دليل الطالب في الامتحانات التقويمية

الجداول الامتحانية

المكتبة العلمية

تطبيقات جامعة اوروك

خدمات الكترونية للتعليم

انت بحاجة الى الدخول بالايميل الرسمي للجامعة

مركز التعليم المستمر


عدد الزوار حاليا : 9
عدد زوار اليوم : 397
عدد زوار أمس : 2
عدد الزوار الكلي : 1092704
آخر تحديث : 2024-07-16

يحيى يحيى زكي فريد


NAME: Prof. Yahya Yahya Zeki Farid
DATE OF BIRTH: 9/9/1949

POST ADDRESS : Department of Chemistry and

Biochemistry,College of Medicine
Al-Nahrain university – IRAQ

NAME: Prof. Yahya Yahya Zeki Farid

DATE OF BIRTH: 9/9/1949



POST ADDRESS : Department of Chemistry andBiochemistry ,College of Medicine

Al-Nahrain university – IRAQ

Al kadimya P.O. Box 70085

E mail : yahya_farid2000@yahoo.com


JOB : Professor

Institute Degree year

College of Pharmacy, Baghdad University B.Sc. Pharmacy 1971

,Baghdad - IRAQ .

Glasgow Medical college-Glasgow university Ph.D. Clinical 1983



Academic Qualification :

1973-1974 intensive course in clinical biochemistry – Medical City – Baghdad

1974-1980 Specialist pharmacist in biochemistry laboratory – Medical city

1983-1985 Specialist pharmacist research laboratories – SDI pharmaceutical Co.

1985-1990 Head of laboratory dept. –Kadhimia teaching hospital – Baghdad

1990-1994 Lecturer in biochemistry –College of Medicine- Al-Nahrain university

1994-2002 Assist. Prof. in Biochemistry – college of Medicine –Al-Nahrain university

2002- 2014 Prof. of Biochemistry –College of Medicine – Al-Nahrain university.

2014- now Retired .

2014-2021 prof. in college of pharmacy / private uruk university


-1980-1983 :Ph.D. student in Clinical Biochemistry, Medical College

,Glasgow University UK .


TITLE OF Ph.D. THESIS: The development of HPLC

methods for the determination of methotrexate and Doxorubicin

metabolites and their applications to clinical studies .

SPECIALISATION: Prof. in Clinical Biochemistry.

EXPERIENCES: Developing methods for Drugs analysis by

using HPLC , GLC and Atomic absorption

POSITIONS HELD: Faculty member in Department of


Chemistry & Biochemistry (professor); , College of Medicine , Al-

Nahrain University , Baghdad –Iraq .






Prof .Dr.Yahya Yahya Zeki Farid


1- T.M. Al- Hussainy, H.A. Younis, and Y.Y.Z. Farid Effect of

acetaminophen( Paracetamol) on chloramphenicol – induced

hematologic changes in rats.Proceedings of second Annual

Scientific Congress., Nov.(1994) pp36-45.


2- Loay K.A.Rahman, F.M. Abid, M. M. Al-Mousili and Yahya Y.Z. Farid.

Detectionof Acharacteristic creatine kinase in cancer tissues. Iraqi J. of

Chem. Vol. 24,N0. 1 1998.


3- H. Samih, Y.Y.Z. Farid and K. Rasheed. Proteinuria in School Aged

Children. Journal of Saddam University, Vol. (10) 1999.


4- Rihab Abdul Jabbar, Fatima Ali Tawfiq and Yahya Yahya Zeki,

Preparation and Kinetic Studies of Allopurinol Derivatives to Improve the

Physicochemical Properties of the Drug, Iraqi J. Pharm. Sci. Vol. (10)



5- Yahya Z. Farid , Hashim M. Hashim, and Yaldiz H. Tahseen. Recent

biochemical tests in evaluation of pleural effusion. 2001, The Iraqi Journal

of medical science,

vol. 1, No.3.

6- Mohammed Namman Mohammed, Amera Jaber Omer Al- Nema and

Yahya Yahya Zaki Farid. New Biochemical Indices for the metabolic

Control of Diabetes Mellitus. Iraqi Journal of Chemistry Vol. (27) No. (3)



7- Alaa K. Mohammed , Mohammed H. Abdul Latif and Yahya Y. Z.

Farid .Spectrophotometric determination of imipramine –HCl by the


formation of charge-transfer and ion – pair complexes with some II-

acceptors and acid dyes . AlMustansiriyah Journal of Science 2006


8. Alaa K. Mohammed , Mohammed H. Abdul Latif and Yahya Y. Z.

Farid .Utility of certain II –acceptors and acid dyes for the

spectrophotometric determination of amitriptyline-HCl. Al-Mustansiriyah

Jornal of Science 2006.


9- Mu taz A.A. Al- Qazzaz , Yahya Y. Z. Farid, Raji H. Al- Hadithi and

Faik A. Bakir. Biochemical Changes in Vitreous Humor after Death. Iraqi

Journal of Chemistry 2001 .


10- A- W.R.Hamad, Y.Y.Z. Farid and F.M. Abid. Bioavailability of

Ampicillin by Using High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC)

Technique. 2001, The Iraqi Journal of medical science, in press.


11- Mouayed Q.Al-Aachi, Yahya Y.Z.Farid and Mohamed J. Hamza.

Acomparative study of the determination of procaine in Pharmaceutical

preparations by indirect spectrophotometric and high pressure liquid


chromatographic methods. National Journal of chemistry, 2003, Volume

11, 385 – 396.


12- Mouayed Q.Al- Aachi, Yahya Y.Z Farid, and Mohamed J. Hamza.

Spectrophotometric and high pressure liquid chromatographic (HPLC)

methods for the determination of methyl dopa in pharmaceutical

preparations. National Journal of chemistry , 2003 , Volume 9, 64 – 78 .


13- Mouayed Q. Al- Aachi, Yahya Y.Z. Farid, and Mohamed J.Hamza

Spectrophotometer assay of methyl dopa in pharmaceutical preparations via

oxidative coupling with thiourea and ferric nitrate. National Journal of

chemistry, 2003, Volume 8, 520- 526.


14- Yahya Y.Z.Farid . Hussein K.A.Hussein and Sarmad Aziz. Evaluation

of total serum sialic acid and lipid associated sialic acid in brain tumor

patients. 2004, The Iraqi Journal of medical science, in press.


15- Yahya Y.Z. Farid. Assay for paracetmol in serum by means of simple

extraction high performance liquid chromatography. Kufa medical journal,

1994 .


16- M.S.M. Al- Nimmer, N.K.A.Baban, F.S.Allah-Werdi and Y.Y.Z.Farid.

effect of Alpha tocopherol on the glycerol – induced acute renal failure in

rats . Biochemical , morphological and histopathological assessment. 1993,

J.Fac. Med. Baghdad.


17- I.Naji, S.m. Hassan and Y.Y.Z.Farid. The effects of two calcium

channel blockers, verapamil and diltiazem on platelete aggregation in

humans, 2001 the Iraqi Journal of medical science , vol. 1, No.2


18- T.M.Al- hussainy , A.G.Alan, and Y.Y.Z. Farid. Effect of metabolic

inhibition of the acetaminophen – induced hepatotoxicity in rats. 1994,

Proceedings of second annual scientific congress, college of medicine 1-3



19- J.A.H. Al – dahan, M.N. Mohammed, K.M. Salman and Y.Y.Z.Farid.

The thyroid function in a sample of Iraqi ladies with habitual abortion.

1994, Proceedings of 2nd . Annual scientific congress, college of medicine,

1-3 nov.


20- Tariq M. Hader, Yahya Y.Z.Farid and Shahbas Maki. Determination

of carbamazepine concentrationin human serum using second derivative

spectroscopy. 1998, Fourth annual scientific congress, College of medicine

Nov.3-5 .


21- I. Albossi, M.Al- sadi and Y.Y.Z. Farid. Catecholamine evaluations in

blood and urine of hypertensive pregnants. 1998, fourth annual scientific

for College of medicine Nov. 3-5 .


22- Yahya Y.Z. Farid , Hussein K.A.Hussein and Sarmad Aziz. Serum

zinc. Copper, and magnesium in patients with brain tumor. 2005 .


23- Nada M. Al- basher, YahyaY.Z. Farid , Hussein K.A. Hussein and

Huda T. Hathal. Alteration in the level of some trace elements in the sera of

patients with Kalazar. Journal of Medical Science 2005 . vol.4(1) pp 10-13


24- Yahya Y.Z Farid, Walid W.H.AL-rawi, and Shahbaz A.Maki.

Calculation of some pharmacokinetic parameters of carbamazepine using

second derivative absorption spectroscopy. 2001, Iraqi J. Comm. Med.

Vol. 14 (2) pp 186- 190.


25- Yahya Y.Z.Farid, Mu`taz A.A.Al-Qazzaz, and Taref S.Al-Guriry.

Determination of glucose and uric acid in vitreous humor after death.

2001, J. of Technology, in press.


26- Yahya Y.Z Farid, Shetha Salah, and Thabit Numan. Calcium level in

pregnant women suffering from hypertension. 2002, Journal of

Technology, in press.


27- Subah S. Almudalal, Saad Shawqi, and Yahya Y.Z. Farid. Trace

elements and hematological changes in thalassemic patients. 2004 , the

Iraqi Journal of medical science, in press.


28- Firyal H. Abdul – Jalil, Rayah S. Baban and Yahya Y.Z. Farid.

Evaluation of serum lactate and calcium levels in open- heart surgery for

Iraqi patients. 2002 Journal of college of science al- Mustansiriya




29- Yahya Y.Z. Farid , Hader J. Mobarak , May F. Al- Habib Biological

role of trace elements during the growth of embryonic chick limb buds.

The Iraqi Journal of Medical Science 2005 .vol.4 (1)pp63-66


30- Rafid A najim , Yahya Y.Z. Farid & Shihba A. R .Shihab Qcetylatr

phenotype in Iraqi patients with discoid lupus erythematosus. Saudi Med. J.

2004, V25 (10) 447- 448.


31- Yahya Y.Z.Farid, Hussein K.A.Hussein & Shetha Salah Al- Ani .

Sorption of copper ions on spirogyra mass. 2005 J. of Al- Krabalaa


32- Yahya Y.Z. Farid, Alaa K. Mohammed and Israa S. mohammed. Serum

copper ,Zinc levels and copper / zinc ratio in patients with Rheumatoid

Arithritis. . The Iraqi Journal of Medical Science 2005 . vol.4(1) pp 49-56


33- Yahya Y.Z. Farid, Alaa K. Mohammed and Israa S. mohammed. Serum

Sialic acid and Lipid associated Sialic acid in patients with Rheumatoid

Arithritis. . The Iraqi Journal of Medical Science in press.


34- Nada M. A. Al- Basheer, Yahya Y.Z.Farid , Hussein K.A. Hussein,

Huda A. Hathal serum copper, zinc and magnesium in toxoplasmosis

seropositive women with a history of abortion . National Journal of

Chemistry, 2005 , v 20


35-Farid ,Y.Y.Z.,Watson,I.D.,Harding N.G.L.H & Stewart, M.J. ( 1983)

HPLC as a means of following an in vitro synthesis of 7-

hydroxymethotrexate. In drug metabolite isolation and determination . ed.

Reid, E. and Leppard, J.P. PP 141-142.Plenum press, New York.


36- Farid ,Y.Y.Z.,Watson,I.D. & Stewart, M.J. ( 1983) An assay for


methotrexate and its metabolites in serum and urine by ion-pair high-

performance liquid chromatography . Journal of pharmaceutical and


biomedical analysis, 1, 55-63.


37- Gaukroger , J. , Watson, L., stewart, M., Farid, Y ., Habeshaw, T .,

Harding, N. and Mackie, R. ( 1983 ) Paradoxical response of malignant

melanoma to methotrexate in vivo and in vitro. British Journal of cancer

47, 671-679


38- Azheir A. ismaeel Al-Mulla , Y.Y.zeki farid, T.M.A. Rajah, Wafa F.

Altai ( 2008) Immunoglobulin levels in sera of patients with thyroid

dysfunction compared with control. J. of college of education . No.3 ,



39- Raya S. Baban , Y.Y. Z. Farid and Sahar L.Halabia . (2008)

Prolactin profiles and their molecular weight in serum and tissues of

patients with uterine leiomyoma in Iraq. J. of Al-nahrin university . Vol.II

(2) pp 1-9.


40- Nada M. Al-Basheer , Yahya Y. Z. Farid , Hussein K.A. Hussein, and

Huda Th. Hathal ( 2005) Alteration in the level of some trace elements in

the sera of patients with Kalazar. J. of Medical sciences V4, No. 1, pp1-13.


41- Yahya Y.Zeki, Majid K.Hussain & Mousa K. Hussain( 2009)The

impact of advancing age ontotl serum age in asthmatic patient. Al-Kindy

College medical journal , Vol. 5,no.(1) pp25-27.


42- Al-Taei ,A. Farid, Y. , Al-Taei W. Evaluation of a1-Antitrypsine and

Reduced Glutathione in Iraqi Patients of Diabetes Mellitus Type II . J. of

Ibn-Alhathaim 2010


43- Maysaloun M.Abdulla,Rayah S. Baban ,Yahya Y. Z. Farid(2012). Role of

ectopic prolactin on thyroid hormones level in a sample of Iraqi infertile women

with uterine fibroids. Iraqi journal of medical sciences V. 10,No.(4), pp 334-



44- Fatin S. Mold ,Yahya Y.Z., Adnan Anoze : (2012) Cytokines profiles

including ( TNF-α ,IL -1α and IL-8) in patients with polymyositis.the new

Iraqi Journal of Medicine.

45- Almaz N. Dahla, Yahya Y. Z. Farid, and Adnan Anoze (

2013)Homocysteine level in blood of patients with rheumatoid arthritis. The

New Iraqi Journal of Medicine.


46- Zainab A A Al-shamma , Yahya YZ Fareed, and Ali MH Al-Yassin

( 2013) Serum Testosterone and postprandial lipids in relation to sexual

dysfunction In male with cardiovascular disease.Iraqi Journal of Medical

Sciences.V 11, No. 2, 2013 pp113-118


47- Zainab A A Al-shamma , Yahya YZ Fareed, and Hashim M. Hashim;

( 2013) Gonadal dysfunction with postprandial hypertriglyceridemia is risk

predictors of cardiovascular disease in men with type 2 diabetes mellitus.Iraqi

Journal of Medical Sciences.V 11, No. 2, 2013 pp113-118.


48- Hamoudi Aliwi Mosa, Yahya Y. Z. Fareed, Hayder B.Sshib, Fadhil A.

Rizij :(Dec 2014) Evaluation the effects of Amlodipine on atherosclerosis

progression in high cholesterol-fed male rabbits. International Journal of

Pharmaceutical Sciences Review and Research .No. 33 pp194-199.


49- Hamoudi Aliwi Mosa, Yahya Y. Z. Fareed, Hayder B.Sshib, Fadhil A.

Rizij :(Dec 2014) Evaluation the effects of Sitagliptin on atherosclerosis

progression in high cholesterol-fed male rabbits. International Journal of

Pharmaceutical Sciences Review and Research .No. 34 pp200-204.

50- Qutaiba A Qasim, Yahya Y. Fareed ,Murtadha Alawey Jabir , Hayder B.

Sahib. ( Augst 2016 ) . Evaluation of Chemerin and Apelin adipokines in

Obese and Non-obese Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Patients .Int.J.Pharm. Sci.

Rev. Res., 40 (1), September –October 2016 ; Article No. 42, page 228-233.

51- qutaiba A. Qasim , Yahya Y. Fareed, Jubran K. Hassan . Evaluation of

Inflammatory State in Diabetic Patients by Measuring of Interleukin – 6 and

tumor Necrosis Factor-a in Obese and Non –Obese Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus

Patients as Compared with control Subjects .Iraqi JMS 2017; Vol. 15 (3) 297 -

304 .

52- Yahya Yahya Zaki, Arif Sami Malik, Hayder B Sahib, andAhmed Khalid

Faleeh. Serum Levels of Endotheline-1 and Vascular Endothelial Growth

Factor in Chronic Renal Failure Patients Receiving Haemodialysis with

Different Etiology. Int. J. Pharm. Sci. Rev. Res., 33(2), July – August 2015; :


53 - Yahya Yahya Zaki, Arif Sami Malik, Hayder B Sahib an Ahmed Khalid

Faleeh: Serum Levels of Intercellular Adhesion Molecules, Vascular Cell

Adhesion Molecules, and C - reactive Protein in Chronic Renal Failure

Patients Receiving Haemodialysis with Different Etiology: Int. J. Pharm. Sci.

Rev. Res., 33(2), July – August 2015: 205-209 .




Dr. Yahya yahya zaki fareed, Dr. N. Dora babu, Salah Emad Abdulammer

Faculty of Pharmacy, Uruk University, Baghdad, Iraq.Al kadimya P.O. Box 70085
E mail : yahya_farid2000@yahoo.com
JOB : Professor
Institute Degree year

College of Pharmacy, Baghdad University B.Sc. Pharmacy 1971

,Baghdad - IRAQ .

Glasgow Medical college-Glasgow university Ph.D. Clinical 1983

Academic Qualification :

1973-1974 intensive course in clinical biochemistry – Medical City – Baghdad

1974-1980 Specialist pharmacist in biochemistry laboratory – Medical city

1983-1985 Specialist pharmacist research laboratories – SDI pharmaceutical Co.

1985-1990 Head of laboratory dept. –Kadhimia teaching hospital – Baghdad

1990-1994 Lecturer in biochemistry –College of Medicine- Al-Nahrain university

1994-2002 Assist. Prof. in Biochemistry – college of Medicine –Al-Nahrain university

2002- 2014 Prof. of Biochemistry –College of Medicine – Al-Nahrain university.

2014- now Retired .

2014-2021 prof. in college of pharmacy / private uruk university


-1980-1983 :Ph.D. student in Clinical Biochemistry, Medical College

,Glasgow University UK .

TITLE OF Ph.D. THESIS: The development of HPLC

methods for the determination of methotrexate and Doxorubicin

metabolites and their applications to clinical studies .

SPECIALISATION: Prof. in Clinical Biochemistry.

EXPERIENCES: Developing methods for Drugs analysis by

using HPLC , GLC and Atomic absorption

POSITIONS HELD: Faculty member in Department of


Chemistry & Biochemistry (professor); , College of Medicine , Al-

Nahrain University , Baghdad –Iraq .
Prof .Dr.Yahya Yahya Zeki Farid

1- T.M. Al- Hussainy, H.A. Younis, and Y.Y.Z. Farid Effect of

acetaminophen( Paracetamol) on chloramphenicol – induced

hematologic changes in rats.Proceedings of second Annual

Scientific Congress., Nov.(1994) pp36-45.


2- Loay K.A.Rahman, F.M. Abid, M. M. Al-Mousili and Yahya Y.Z. Farid.

Detectionof Acharacteristic creatine kinase in cancer tissues. Iraqi J. of

Chem. Vol. 24,N0. 1 1998.

3- H. Samih, Y.Y.Z. Farid and K. Rasheed. Proteinuria in School Aged

Children. Journal of Saddam University, Vol. (10) 1999.


4- Rihab Abdul Jabbar, Fatima Ali Tawfiq and Yahya Yahya Zeki,

Preparation and Kinetic Studies of Allopurinol Derivatives to Improve the

Physicochemical Properties of the Drug, Iraqi J. Pharm. Sci. Vol. (10)


5- Yahya Z. Farid , Hashim M. Hashim, and Yaldiz H. Tahseen. Recent

biochemical tests in evaluation of pleural effusion. 2001, The Iraqi Journal

of medical science,
vol. 1, No.3.

6- Mohammed Namman Mohammed, Amera Jaber Omer Al- Nema and

Yahya Yahya Zaki Farid. New Biochemical Indices for the metabolic

Control of Diabetes Mellitus. Iraqi Journal of Chemistry Vol. (27) No. (3)


7- Alaa K. Mohammed , Mohammed H. Abdul Latif and Yahya Y. Z.

Farid .Spectrophotometric determination of imipramine –HCl by the


formation of charge-transfer and ion – pair complexes with some II-

acceptors and acid dyes . AlMustansiriyah Journal of Science 2006


8. Alaa K. Mohammed , Mohammed H. Abdul Latif and Yahya Y. Z.

Farid .Utility of certain II –acceptors and acid dyes for the

spectrophotometric determination of amitriptyline-HCl. Al-Mustansiriyah

Jornal of Science 2006.

9- Mu taz A.A. Al- Qazzaz , Yahya Y. Z. Farid, Raji H. Al- Hadithi and

Faik A. Bakir. Biochemical Changes in Vitreous Humor after Death. Iraqi

Journal of Chemistry 2001 .

10- A- W.R.Hamad, Y.Y.Z. Farid and F.M. Abid. Bioavailability of

Ampicillin by Using High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC)

Technique. 2001, The Iraqi Journal of medical science, in press.


11- Mouayed Q.Al-Aachi, Yahya Y.Z.Farid and Mohamed J. Hamza.

Acomparative study of the determination of procaine in Pharmaceutical

preparations by indirect spectrophotometric and high pressure liquid


chromatographic methods. National Journal of chemistry, 2003, Volume

11, 385 – 396.

12- Mouayed Q.Al- Aachi, Yahya Y.Z Farid, and Mohamed J. Hamza.

Spectrophotometric and high pressure liquid chromatographic (HPLC)

methods for the determination of methyl dopa in pharmaceutical

preparations. National Journal of chemistry , 2003 , Volume 9, 64 – 78 .


13- Mouayed Q. Al- Aachi, Yahya Y.Z. Farid, and Mohamed J.Hamza

Spectrophotometer assay of methyl dopa in pharmaceutical preparations via

oxidative coupling with thiourea and ferric nitrate. National Journal of

chemistry, 2003, Volume 8, 520- 526.

14- Yahya Y.Z.Farid . Hussein K.A.Hussein and Sarmad Aziz. Evaluation

of total serum sialic acid and lipid associated sialic acid in brain tumor

patients. 2004, The Iraqi Journal of medical science, in press.


15- Yahya Y.Z. Farid. Assay for paracetmol in serum by means of simple

extraction high performance liquid chromatography. Kufa medical journal,

1994 .

16- M.S.M. Al- Nimmer, N.K.A.Baban, F.S.Allah-Werdi and Y.Y.Z.Farid.

effect of Alpha tocopherol on the glycerol – induced acute renal failure in

rats . Biochemical , morphological and histopathological assessment. 1993,

J.Fac. Med. Baghdad.

17- I.Naji, S.m. Hassan and Y.Y.Z.Farid. The effects of two calcium

channel blockers, verapamil and diltiazem on platelete aggregation in

humans, 2001 the Iraqi Journal of medical science , vol. 1, No.2


18- T.M.Al- hussainy , A.G.Alan, and Y.Y.Z. Farid. Effect of metabolic

inhibition of the acetaminophen – induced hepatotoxicity in rats. 1994,

Proceedings of second annual scientific congress, college of medicine 1-3


19- J.A.H. Al – dahan, M.N. Mohammed, K.M. Salman and Y.Y.Z.Farid.

The thyroid function in a sample of Iraqi ladies with habitual abortion.

1994, Proceedings of 2nd . Annual scientific congress, college of medicine,

1-3 nov.

20- Tariq M. Hader, Yahya Y.Z.Farid and Shahbas Maki. Determination

of carbamazepine concentrationin human serum using second derivative

spectroscopy. 1998, Fourth annual scientific congress, College of medicine

Nov.3-5 .

21- I. Albossi, M.Al- sadi and Y.Y.Z. Farid. Catecholamine evaluations in

blood and urine of hypertensive pregnants. 1998, fourth annual scientific

for College of medicine Nov. 3-5 .

22- Yahya Y.Z. Farid , Hussein K.A.Hussein and Sarmad Aziz. Serum

zinc. Copper, and magnesium in patients with brain tumor. 2005 .


23- Nada M. Al- basher, YahyaY.Z. Farid , Hussein K.A. Hussein and

Huda T. Hathal. Alteration in the level of some trace elements in the sera of

patients with Kalazar. Journal of Medical Science 2005 . vol.4(1) pp 10-13


24- Yahya Y.Z Farid, Walid W.H.AL-rawi, and Shahbaz A.Maki.

Calculation of some pharmacokinetic parameters of carbamazepine using

second derivative absorption spectroscopy. 2001, Iraqi J. Comm. Med.

Vol. 14 (2) pp 186- 190.

25- Yahya Y.Z.Farid, Mu`taz A.A.Al-Qazzaz, and Taref S.Al-Guriry.

Determination of glucose and uric acid in vitreous humor after death.

2001, J. of Technology, in press.

26- Yahya Y.Z Farid, Shetha Salah, and Thabit Numan. Calcium level in

pregnant women suffering from hypertension. 2002, Journal of

Technology, in press.

27- Subah S. Almudalal, Saad Shawqi, and Yahya Y.Z. Farid. Trace

elements and hematological changes in thalassemic patients. 2004 , the

Iraqi Journal of medical science, in press.


28- Firyal H. Abdul – Jalil, Rayah S. Baban and Yahya Y.Z. Farid.

Evaluation of serum lactate and calcium levels in open- heart surgery for

Iraqi patients. 2002 Journal of college of science al- Mustansiriya


29- Yahya Y.Z. Farid , Hader J. Mobarak , May F. Al- Habib Biological

role of trace elements during the growth of embryonic chick limb buds.

The Iraqi Journal of Medical Science 2005 .vol.4 (1)pp63-66


30- Rafid A najim , Yahya Y.Z. Farid & Shihba A. R .Shihab Qcetylatr

phenotype in Iraqi patients with discoid lupus erythematosus. Saudi Med. J.

2004, V25 (10) 447- 448.

31- Yahya Y.Z.Farid, Hussein K.A.Hussein & Shetha Salah Al- Ani .

Sorption of copper ions on spirogyra mass. 2005 J. of Al- Krabalaa


32- Yahya Y.Z. Farid, Alaa K. Mohammed and Israa S. mohammed. Serum

copper ,Zinc levels and copper / zinc ratio in patients with Rheumatoid

Arithritis. . The Iraqi Journal of Medical Science 2005 . vol.4(1) pp 49-56


33- Yahya Y.Z. Farid, Alaa K. Mohammed and Israa S. mohammed. Serum

Sialic acid and Lipid associated Sialic acid in patients with Rheumatoid

Arithritis. . The Iraqi Journal of Medical Science in press.


34- Nada M. A. Al- Basheer, Yahya Y.Z.Farid , Hussein K.A. Hussein,

Huda A. Hathal serum copper, zinc and magnesium in toxoplasmosis

seropositive women with a history of abortion . National Journal of

Chemistry, 2005 , v 20

35-Farid ,Y.Y.Z.,Watson,I.D.,Harding N.G.L.H & Stewart, M.J. ( 1983)

HPLC as a means of following an in vitro synthesis of 7-

hydroxymethotrexate. In drug metabolite isolation and determination . ed.

Reid, E. and Leppard, J.P. PP 141-142.Plenum press, New York.


36- Farid ,Y.Y.Z.,Watson,I.D. & Stewart, M.J. ( 1983) An assay for


methotrexate and its metabolites in serum and urine by ion-pair high-

performance liquid chromatography . Journal of pharmaceutical and

biomedical analysis, 1, 55-63.

37- Gaukroger , J. , Watson, L., stewart, M., Farid, Y ., Habeshaw, T .,

Harding, N. and Mackie, R. ( 1983 ) Paradoxical response of malignant

melanoma to methotrexate in vivo and in vitro. British Journal of cancer

47, 671-679

38- Azheir A. ismaeel Al-Mulla , Y.Y.zeki farid, T.M.A. Rajah, Wafa F.

Altai ( 2008) Immunoglobulin levels in sera of patients with thyroid

dysfunction compared with control. J. of college of education . No.3 ,


39- Raya S. Baban , Y.Y. Z. Farid and Sahar L.Halabia . (2008)

Prolactin profiles and their molecular weight in serum and tissues of

patients with uterine leiomyoma in Iraq. J. of Al-nahrin university . Vol.II

(2) pp 1-9.

40- Nada M. Al-Basheer , Yahya Y. Z. Farid , Hussein K.A. Hussein, and

Huda Th. Hathal ( 2005) Alteration in the level of some trace elements in

the sera of patients with Kalazar. J. of Medical sciences V4, No. 1, pp1-13.


41- Yahya Y.Zeki, Majid K.Hussain & Mousa K. Hussain( 2009)The

impact of advancing age ontotl serum age in asthmatic patient. Al-Kindy

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Dr. Yahya yahya zaki fareed, Dr. N. Dora babu, Salah Emad Abdulammer

Faculty of Pharmacy, Uruk University, Baghdad, Iraq.

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