محاضرة في عيادات طب الاسنان

عيادات طب الاسنان

حفلات التخرج

حفلات التخرج

المحاضرات الدراسية

عمداء الكليات ورؤساء الاقسام مع السيد رئيس الجامعة

المحاضرات الدراسية

عيادات طب الاسنان

قسم الهندسة المعمارية

ابحث في الموقع

القبول والتسجيل في الجامعة

التقويم الجامعي 2022-2023

مجلة الجامعة

دليل الطالب في الامتحانات التقويمية

الجداول الامتحانية

المكتبة العلمية

تطبيقات جامعة اوروك

خدمات الكترونية للتعليم

انت بحاجة الى الدخول بالايميل الرسمي للجامعة

مركز التعليم المستمر


عدد الزوار حاليا : 11
عدد زوار اليوم : 392
عدد زوار أمس : 2
عدد الزوار الكلي : 1092699
آخر تحديث : 2024-07-16

علي عباس هادي شحم

                                                        الســـــــــــيرة الذاتيــــــــــــة


المعلومات الشخصية     
الاسم : علي عباس هادي شحم    
الميلاد :23 /11/ 1950    
.                                                           الجنسية :عراقية
الديانة : مسلم
الحالة الزوجية : أرمل
اللغة : العربية / الانكليزية
1- العنوان: جامعة أوروك   كلية التقنيات الطبية والصحية
2- الهاتف : 07711957391
     Prof.dr.alishaham@uruk.edu.iq3 - البريد الالكتروني
 المنصب الاكاديمي الحالي: عميد الكلية التقنية الطبية والصحية / جامعة أوروك
 المنصب الاكاديمي السابق: معاون عميد أكاديمي الكلية الطبية العالمية /جامعة العلوم الادارة في ماليزيا
 المؤهلات العلمية : بكالوريوس طب وجراحة عامة / كلية الطب / بغداد/1973
                            دبلوم عالي جراحة / كلية الطب / بغداد / 1983
                             بورد عربي جراحة / المجلس العربي للاختصاصات الطبية  1987
                                     جمعية جراحي التجميل العالمية / 2008                    
جمعية جراحي التجميل الاسيوية /2013                                        
7- المجال البحثي : دراسات سريرية في الجراحة التجميلية
8- الانجازات الاكاديمية : أعادة صياغة المناهج العلمية لكلية الطب في الكلية الطبية العالمية في ماليزيا 2010-2012
                                 اعادة صياغة المناهج العلمية لكلية طب الكندي / جامعة بغداد 2014- 2015                                    
                             اختير بحثان في المتصفح العالمي (pubmed) كأحسن بحثين على مستوى العالم خلال 
                             الخمس السنوات الماضية    

البحوث المنشورة :

  1. Alshaham AA ,Ghassn AA ,Rukhasana HM and Serene A .Accuracy of the Standard Clinical Tests in Detection of Palmaris Longus. Journal of Biomedicine (Indian Journal of Biomedicine),35(3),280-28,2015
  2. Alshaham AA. Recent advances in Curricular Reformation.KCMJ;9(2):1-2.2014
  3. Kadhim J and Alshaham AA .Chronic Anal Fissure being converted into Medical 
Treatment. Medical and Health Review Journal/ Malaysia Vol 4 No 2, 2013.   
  1.  Alshaham AA .Helical Advancement Techniques: Pearls and Pitfalls.  Canadian Journal of Plastic Surgery. Vol 20 No 2 summer 2012.
  2. Alshaham AA, Mular Paw and Kadhim J. Anomalous V-shape Palmaris Longus; Report of two cases. J Med Cases • 2011;1(2):68-70
  3. Alshaham AA and Suneet S .Recurrent furunculosis as a cause of isolated penile lymphedema: A case report". British JMCR. 2010, 4:196. 
  4. Alshaham AA .Partial Auricular Defects. Classification and Reconstruction guidelines. Nigerian Journal of Plastic Surgery. Vol 6 No 1: 2010.
  5. Alshaham AA. Pedicle Viability is the Determinant Factor to Convert into Free Nipple Graft. Canadian Journal of Plastic Surgery 2010; 18(1):1-4. 
  6. Alshaham AA and Samher A .Cemento-Ossifying Fibroma of the Maxilla: Case Report and Literature Review. Scandinavian Journal of Plastic Reconstructive Surgery and Hand Surgery Vol 4. No 6 Dec.2010. 
  7. Alshaham AA. Neo umbilicoplasty is a useful adjuvant procedure in abdominoplasty. Canadian Journal of Plastic Surgery. Vol 17 No 4 winter 2010. Among the top ten  articles in pubmed lib 
  8. Alshaham AA , Hussain S and Serene AA .Negative Pressure Wound Therapy :Has It Made  a Revolution in Wound Management ?Medical and Health Reviews Journal .Vol.1 No 2 ,May 2009
  9. Alshaham AA .Progressive Stretch-load is a principle step in the surgical treatment of burned knee contractures. Internet Journal of Plastic Surgery, Vol 5-2.Jan 2009. 
  10. Alshaham AA. Determination of a safe Musculofascial Plication in Abdominoplasty .Med J Malaysia, Vol 62 No 5 Dec. 2007. Among top ten articles in pubmed lib.
  11. Alshaham AA and  Basher Z .Subphrenic Abscess complicating Burn Injury, Al kindy Medical Journal, Vol. 2 No (1) 2004.
  12. Basher Z and Alshaham AA .Cervical Necrotizing Fascitis with Thoracic and Abdominal extension, Al kindy Medical Journal Vol.2 No (2), 2004. 
  13. Alshahm AA, Alaaraji H and Sultan S H .Fournier Gangrene (Personal Experience).Al kindy Medical Journal, Vol.2, No (2)2004.
  14. Ammar S and Alshaham AA .First Crainopagus Twin in Iraq. (Twin separation). Neuroscience Journal. Vol. 2 No 2 : 50-53.2003.
  15. Alshaham AA and Ihsaan A. Evaluation of Low Level Laser Therapy on Healing by Second Intention. Journal of Technical Researches, Vol. 4, No 2: 17-23, 2002.
  16. Alshaham AA .Reconstruction of Pharango-Esophageal Fistula by Muscle Flap. Iraqi Journal of Community Medicine, Vol.15 (2), 63-65, 2002.
  17. Alshaham AA .Elimination of Pseudomonus by Topical Acetic Acid. Iraqi Army Medical Journal Vol.16.No 1: 32-36, 2001.
  18. Alshaham AA. Prepucial Flap to Anterior Scrotal Defect. Annales De Chirurgie Plastic. Vol. 46,6, 637-639, 2001. 
  19. Alshaham AA and Alobaidi J .Fracture of Penis (Personal Experience). Iraqi Medical Journal. Vol. 20, 2, 60-63, 2000.

13. Professional Experience: 

  1. Appointed as Dean of Health and Medical Technology College/Uruk Private University from 7th  November 2017 until now.
  2. Appointment as AP lecturer ,Health and Medical Technology College /Uruk Private University at 1 October 2017.
  3. Retired since Nov. 2015 /Private clinic
  4. Consultant Plastic Surgeon, Alkindy Teaching Hospital since Jan 2013 until Nov. 2015. 
  5. Consultant Plastic surgeon, HTAR Hospital/Selangor Malaysia from November 2010 till May 2012. 
  6. Consultant Plastic surgeon, Selayang Hospital /Kuala Lumpur /Malaysia; Government Tertiary Hospital from Nov 2009- July2010.
  7. Award the Senior Consultant Post in Plastic Surgery by Iraqi Ministry of Health in Jan. 2005. 
  8. Chiefs of the Plastic Surgery Unit in Al Kindy Teaching Hospital from Feb. 1993 -12 Dec.2006.(20 beds Plastic Surgery ) , mainly Reconstructive Procedures; Cleft Surgery, Head and Neck Surgery, Facial Reanimation , varieties of Flap Surgery, Bed sore Surgery, Auricle Surgery ,Soft tissue defects, Hypospaedic Surgery ,Burn surgery, Skin tumors Surgery, Scalp Surgery ,Scar Surgery and Hand surgery. At the same time a private practice in the field of Aesthetic Surgery including; Body Contouring procedures, Thigh and Arm lift, Breast Surgery (Mastopexy, Augmentation and Reduction) Abdominoplasry, Rhinoplasty, Peri orbital Surgery (Blepheroplasty and Browpexy), Hair Transplant Surgery (Via flap transfer or micro), liposuction and lipo-injection, Tissue Fillers and Suture Slings etc….
  9. Visiting Surgeon in Olympic Hospital (French Plastic Surgeons Team) for 4 years from 2000-2003. (Rhinoplasty, Abdominoplasy, Mammoplasty, Blepheroplasry, Facial reanimation, Cleft and Hand Surgery etc…)
  10. Appointed as Plastic Surgeon Specialist in Basrah Teaching Hospital from Dec. 1988 till Feb. 1993. (20 beds Plastic Surgery and 10 beds Burn unit).Provide Clinical services in Reconstructive Surgery as well as Burn care. In addition to the Private practice in the field of Aesthetic Surgery (Rhinoplasty ,Abdominoplasty ,Reduction Mammoplasty)
  11.  Appointed as specialist in Plastic and Reconstructive surgery / Iraqi Ministry of Health as recommended by the Iraqi Plastic Surgeons Committee in Dec. 1988. 
  12. Passed Final Exam of Arabic Board in Surgery in June 1988 at Baghdad Examination Center.
  13. Enrolled in the study program of the Arab Board Council of Surgery /four years course work study program, as Medical Officer, Basrah Teaching Center from Oct. 1983 - Oct. 1987.
  14. Appointed as Plastic and Burn Surgeon Practitioner in Al-Wasity Plastic and Reconstructive Hospital in 1980 - 1983. Mainly as Burn Surgeon (Acute burn management as well as burn deformities). 
  15. Medical officer in Plastic Surgery / Al- Wasity Hospital, Baghdad /Iraq. (40 beds Plastic Surgery and 10 beds, Acute Burn Care) from Oct. 1977 - Feb. 1980. Provide services mainly in Reconstructive Surgery (Cleft Surgery, Head and Neck surgery, varieties of Flap Surgery, Bed sore Surgery, Burn Surgery, Hand Surgery as well as acute burn management) and occasionally in Aesthetic Surgery (Abdominoplasty ,mammoplasty ,Blepheroplasy) . 
  16. Primary care clinic / rural services in Daghara city, 200 Km to the south of Baghdad from Feb. 1976 -September 1977. 
  17. Causality practitioner/ Military service practicing War Surgery and Accidents from Aug. 1974 - Feb. 1976
  18. Houseman-ship; General surgery, Medicine, O&G and Pediatric / Different Baghdad General Hospitals, from Aug.1973- Aug 1974.
14. Memberships:                    
                                                   1. Member of Malaysian Medical Council 2008, Annual Practice Certificate 2009
                                                    2. Member of the Iraqi Medical Council, 1973
                                                    3. Member of the Arab Board Council of Surgery, 1988
                                                    4. Member of the Iraqi Surgeons Society ISS, 1999.
                                                    5. Member of the Iraqi Plastic Surgeon Society, 2000.
                                                    6. Member of the Arabic Plastic Surgeon Society, 1994.
                                                    7. Member of the Iraqi Laser Society in 2004.
                                                    8. Member of IPRAS 2004.
                                                    9. Member of AAAMS 2009
 15. CME and Community service:
                                                  Trauma Symposium /Selayang Hospital Jan.2012
                                                  A speaker in the First Malaysian Ear Reconstruction seminar with live surgery on 16th        
                                                      and 17th Mar 2012
                                                  A speaker in CME Symposium –HTAR Hospital Mar. 2012
                                                  Oral presentation in cell biology and anatomical sciences Conference in Singapore 
                                                  Speaker in Alkindy international Conference on Curriculum development Nov 2013
                                                  Speaker in Workshop (How to construct Questions) Jan 2014
                                                  Speaker in Workshop (PBL) May 2014           


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